little things that make life worth living
the amount of time we spend on this planet will never be enough and we're often so caught up in our own problems that we completely forget about the world around us... that's why i wanted to share some simple reminders so you don't forget just how beautiful life can be ♡
so here’s a list of little things that make life worth living:
❀ hugging your loved one so tight neither one of you can breathe
❀ seeing couples reunite at the airport
❀ the crispness of the air on the nights where you can see all the stars
❀ text messages from unexpected people
❀ the kindness of strangers
❀ taking the long route home just to listen to your favourite playlist for a little longer
❀ discovering a song you like
❀ the smile of a kid
❀ black and white photos of your parents
❀ fresh sheets
❀ autumn leaves
❀ sunlight
❀ your favourite lipstick
❀ laughing so hard your sides hurt
❀ lying in bed during a thunderstorm
❀ listening to the rain
❀ bonfires at the end of summer
❀ sunsets & sunrises
❀ cities that are so beautiful
❀ friendships that are bursts of positivity
❀ dancing until your feet hurt
❀ coffee on a Saturday morning
❀ cozying up in front of the fireplace with a blanket, fuzzy socks, and a mug of hot chocolate
❀ the joy of cracking open a new book
❀ burning a new candle
❀ watching the clouds
❀ laundry that’s still warm from the dryer
❀ random acts of kindness
❀ the smile someone gives you when you accidentally meet their gaze
❀ the beauty of nature
❀ animals
❀ elderly holding hands
❀ unexpected calls for someone you love
❀ people who laugh. a lot.
❀ fresh smelling flowers
❀ crawling back into a warm bed
❀ the pure warmth of direct sunlight
we have to learn to appreciate the little things in life.
hope you liked this article. don't forget to stop once in a while and enjoy every little thing life offers, no matter how small they are.
live your life to the fullest!
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