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my path to self-love

hello beautiful ladies!

why is it so hard to love yourself? can someone please tell me because this girl is dying to know. i have always been insecure all my life, my body, my facial features, my intellect; you name it, i was so anxious about it.

a few years ago, my mom and i were looking at some old pictures on my phone, and i said something about myself which i don't remember, and my mom said to me: "you are the most positive person i know, but when it comes to yourself you are so negative"

umm... yeah, that hit me hard. that day i realized it was time for me to make changes in the way i saw and treated myself.

i am 20 years old now and i finally accept and love the woman i am. self-love is a long, hard and challenging journey that never ends so, i'm still learning to appreciate myself everyday!

so here's how i do it:

1| i stopped comparing myself to other we woman often compare ourself to others and it can sometime makes us feel bad about ourself. i have been comparing myself to others for 4 years and it felt so bad. but now, i don't compare myself to others anymore. i've learned that i am who i am and i was made to look like this for a reason. i'm beautiful the way i am. that's all that matters.

2| i stopped being too hard on myself every time i did something stupid, wrong or felt insecure about something, i would be so hard on myself! i have learned that it's okay to make mistakes.everyone makes mistakes... we're human. i have learned to be kind to myself.

3| laugh more i never laughed out loud... i was most quiet. but now, i have surrounded myself with people that makes me laugh out loud and i realized that it's okay to laugh and show people that i'm happy! life is better when you're laughing!

4| realized perfect isn't possible

an obstacle that comes in the way of self-love is the idea of needing to be "perfect." the thing is, there's no such thing as perfect in this world. embrace your flaws because it's what makes you, you.

5| have "me" time

while it's important to maintain healthy relationships with other people, it's also important to set quality time for yourself. this way, you can have fun with what you're doing and even discover things about yourself that you never knew about before. you may feel more confident and happy with yourself afterward!

6| physical health self-care is not just about your mental health. it’s also about caring for your physical self, by eating healthy, taking adequate sleep, caring about your hygiene, exercising regularly and doing stuff that makes you happy. i started to move my body a little bit more, eat healthier and taking care of my body. let me tell you i've never been happier. it gives me so much energy and happiness. if i can do it, so you can!

7| acknowledged what i'm good at

we all have downsides in our own lives and we're always looking for a way to improve ourselves, but it's also important to acknowledge skills you're good at. this way you can appreciate yourself and what you do even more and not have to worry about other people. nobody has the unique set of skills that you do!

8| learned to say no

i know a lot of people that have a problem with this (including me), but it's the recipe to loving and respecting yourself more. don't worry about trying to please other people; you are the top priority. if you don't want to do something, find the courage to say "no" so that you don't regret anything in the aftermath.

9| celebrate my achievements

no matter how big or small your win is, take the time to recognize and celebrate it! it'll make you feel good about yourself while filtering out the negatives, leading to a deeper self-appreciation.

i just want you to realize that you have so much potential and don't need anybody else's justification but your own. and if you just start focusing on the good instead of dwelling on the bad, you'll be so much happier. just keep in mind that self-love is a journey and it takes months, years to complete it. i hope that this helped you in some tiny, small way haha.

have a great day/ night!

with love,



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I’m V, a college student who’s always striving to live life to the fullest. I created this blog so we can girls try love, instead of hate.

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