self-care for busy people
hey busy bee!
self-care is a super important aspect of looking after yourself and making sure that your mind, body, and soul are nourished. however, with our ever increasingly busy lives, i often find it difficult to remember to practice self-care or find time to do so. so, i’ve combined some ways that you can practice self-care even when you have very little time. in doing so, i hope it helps to bring a little more self-love into everyone’s lives!
⋯ skincare ⋯
establishing a morning and night skin care routine will not only help your skin but, allow a few minutes each day where you’re physically looking after yourself. i always find the notion of cleaning my skin and moisturizing is calming and it helps me feel like i’m giving back to myself. you don’t have to worry about expensive creams or lotions, just taking the time to wash your face adds some daily self-care.
⋯ exercise ⋯
doing some form of physical activity regularly has been proven to be good for you. i especially enjoy it for the anxiety-reducing benefits. when you’re busy, as i am, exercising can sometimes seem overwhelming. i find what helps is establishing a routine around my schedule and finding exercise forms that i enjoy. an after-work run are options most of the people lean towards and enjoy.
⋯ music ⋯
playing or listening to music can have a powerful effect on your state of mind and self. it can also be done from anywhere, such as on a daily commute. i find that listening to music can help drain away the anxiety that i have been harbouring throughout the day and helps me feel more like myself. allowing yourself to get lost in music is a transcendent experience that can take you away from the stresses of daily life and truly nourish your soul.
⋯ sleep ⋯
even though this is probably one of the most over-stated self-care methods, it’s one of the most important. allowing yourself time to rest and recover is vital to your body and mind when you’re awake. having enough sleep helps you to be more productive during the day and makes it easier to deal with any obstacles you have to face. setting a bed-time alarm helps me actually get to bed at a reasonable time, as i have the tendency to get distracted and forget about going to bed.
⋯ creativity ⋯
practicing creativity is one of the most powerful ways to care for your mind and soul. i strongly believe creativity is a skill that anyone has the potential for and can grow into a powerful trait if you practice it. setting aside just ten minutes a day to do something creative can drain the stresses of the day and help your mind become more focused.
⋯ food and water ⋯
this may sound simple but ensuring that you eat healthily and get enough water today is vital to the functioning of your body and mind. in summary, it will help you feel good! doing this will allow you to have more energy and feel more positive. using some meal planning and prep techniques such as organizing my meals for the week and making large batches of meals to freeze for later really helps when i’m short on time. also, adding flavours such as lemon and mint to my water helps me drink more water and actually enjoy it.
⋯ work and study ⋯
being organized in your work and/or study commitments can really help to maintain a healthy state of mind, as well as staying on top of everything you need to do. breaking down tasks and setting certain times to do them can help you feel more relaxed when you are working and allows your brain to actually relax when you aren’t working because you know you’ve done what you need to do.
⋯ breathing ⋯
practicing breathing exercises is a simple and accessible form of mediation that you can establish into your morning/night routine, or practice anywhere. i often do this before bed, by taking five deep breaths, starting from down in my stomach and drawing up through my chest before releasing slowly. i focus on this movement of air and imagine everything from the day flowing out of me. you can also do this whenever you start to feel stressed or overwhelmed.
⋯ friends and family ⋯
the people you love are, i believe, the most important and valuable aspect of life. do not lose sight of them, and make sure you set aside time to spend with those you care about most. being organized in your commitments can help with this, as well as establishing a set time, such as an afternoon one day a week, can help to make sure you actually spend time with the people you care about and work on fostering those relationships.
⋯ affirmations ⋯
similar to breathing exercises, these can be worked into your routine or practiced whenever or where ever you need them. establish three to five statements that help you feel good and fulfill you with happiness or confidence. these differ from person to person and can change over time! for example, some of mine are you are beautiful, you are loved and you are brave. i have used these to get through difficult situations and look after myself. saying these several times daily to myself helps me foster a sense of self-love.
that’s all for now, thanks so much for reading!
don’t stress about having to incorporate all of these in your life, just taking on or two of these can really help develop self-care.
with love,
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